Writing for The Irish News, Kenny Archer has noted both the breadth of English Whisky (49 distilleries and counting!) and the depth and quality that is now being produced by the rapidly growing industry.
In a feature for St. George's Day he takes a look at the latest releases from The English Whisky Co. Cotswolds, Oxford Artisan, East London Liquor Company, Bimber and The Lakes Distillery.
You can read more here.
Meanwhile for a closer look at all 49 producers + our now annual whisky festival and bar dedicated to cataloguing and sharing English whisky as widely as possible, head over to the English Whisky Map - which is now in it's 5th edition!
of what they are crafting.
that there are 49 English whisky producers as well as the breadth of
has noted both that there are both now 49 English whisky producers as well as the English whisky producers The reality is that you could almost do an alphabet of English whisky producers now, from Abingdon in Oxfordshire, to Yarm, near Middlesbrough. More than half an alphabet anyway, with more than 40 producers in all now.